Hello and welcome to my web-site. I've been composing a fair bit of music over the past few years, and set up this site in order to share it.

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Feel free to have a browse around. There are songs, tunes and longer, arranged pieces. I've included sound-files of everything as well as scores so that you can hear what it sounds like with me playing or singing it, and you can then devise all sorts of improvements if you want to sing or play it yourself. I've recorded each of the tunes I've written at home. It's all done very simply - just to let you hear the tune.

Same with the songs, though I've indulged myself a bit more there with a wider range of instruments, just for fun. There are lyrics and chord windows for the songs too. Longer pieces like the string quartets also have sound-files attached, though they're recorded straight from the computer. In the case of Prawn and Mirabelles they include sound-effects.

Do feel free to sing or play anything you like that you find on here. I'll be chuffed if you do. It's all registered with Brigside Music if you ever get round to performing or recording it for actual pennies. You can get scores for the bigger stuff for a small consideration in the "shop" section, as well as album downloads. So, take your time.

Have a listen.

You can contact me at: falconscot@gmail.com

Thanks for dropping by,

Eric Falconer